Guilden Sutton Neighbourhood Plan

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About the Neighbourhood plan

Why and How? Local Planning information can be found on this website: 

Documents and information shown at the Village Fete Click here to view and download the document (pdf). 

Housing needs in Guilden Sutton survey. An updated questionnaire is seeking everyone's opinion on future housing requirements. Download here

 If you would like further information and to share your thoughts, a “drop-in” session will be held at the next Church Hall Coffee morning, Thursday, 22 August, between 11 and 12 noon (Church Hall, Church Lane). A copy of the questionnaire can be viewed and downloaded above if you wish to make or update a response. Please drop completed questionaires into 46 Oaklands. Your opinions in the survey are important to help steer the final neighbourhood plan.

The work on this has been going on for some time, and the initial survey was way back at the beginning of the process in 2017. So to re-vitalise the plan there was a stall at the fete showing policies on the five topics of:         

The initial survey, which involved people from Guilden Sutton across all voting ages, concluded that:

  1. Current housing needs were met, but several people would consider downsizing as we need to encourage more young people into the area. In the longer term, it was felt that a mixture of 1- to 3-bedroom properties and more affordable homes is required. Bungalows would be preferred, especially for the ageing population.
  2. Public Transport needs to be better.
  3. A41 crossing required
Trisha Paterson NP Group.