Guilden Sutton Community Association
What is the Guilden Sutton Community Association?
GSCA is a registered charity supporting and providing opportunities for recreation and well-being in our local community. As well as owning and managing the village hall and the village carpark, the Community Association has been part of a wide range of social activities and community events, including open gardens, the village fete, the village quiz, Christmas lights, village lottery, Guilden Sutton 10K and Fun Run, and more.
Originally founded in 1980, GSCA has recently been re-launched - with a new modern constitution (as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation) and several new trustees.
Who can join the Community Association?
Membership is open to anyone over 18 years old who lives in Guilden Sutton or Pipers Ash. Joining is free!
Why join?
Use of the village hall and social/community events are open to all, but by registering as a member you will benefit from:
- significant discounts on hall hire charges
- Notification of community activities by email (this is optional, you do not have to provide an email address, and the Marigold will continue to be delivered to all properties in Guilden Sutton)
- Be the first to hear about opportunities to get involved in GSCA - we especially want to listen to what you would like to see happening at the hall as well as in the wider community
- the right to vote at GSCA Annual General Meetings, at which one third of the trustees is replaced annually
How can I join?
We just need a few basic details from you. To join today, please fill in the membership form by clicking the orange button above - it will only take a couple of minutes!
Guilden Sutton Community Association is a registered charity and, as such, is governed by a board of trustees. Becoming a Trustee is a fantastic way to give something back to a cause you care about. You'll play an integral part in how the charity is run, ensuring it remains sustainable and financially viable. The Community Association will always welcome applications from anyone interested in becoming a trustee. You can find out more about the role of trustees here: How Charities Work and more specifically in section 12 of the Community Association constitution (see above).
What is the Marigold Newsletter?
The Marigold is published by the Community Association, and distributed to every
house in the village three times a year. It is edited by Brian Lewin, and tells us all
what is happening in the village, and who all the local contacts are. This includes the
various voluntary groups who meet in the Village Hall and the other halls in the
village, plus the names of the Parish, City and County Councillors, and other handy-
to-know names. If you wish to include an item in the Marigold, please contact the
editor (Tel: 301501 Email: brian@guildensutton.org.uk).
How can I book the village hall?
The hall is available to everyone, with reduced hire rates for GSCA members. If you
would like to book the Village hall for a party or any other event please email
Stephanie Pinder at gsvillagehallbookings@gmail.com or leave a message on 07739
104147 with your requirements and Stephanie will return your call